Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Budapest riots - bugger all else to do

Link to Ferenc Gyurcsány's blog story here

I read this morning of the cock-up (or was it planned? Conspiracies-Theories Inc.) leaked speech by Hungo-PM Ferenc Gyurcsány (clevely spelled Joorchaani on the BBC to aid gormless reporters' hapless efforts at pronunciation, methinks, confirmed next day by their spelling of a Budapest photographer's name as 'Bolash' which we imagine must be kretin-spel-as-u-speke for Balázs) to the Socialist (MSZP) party in May which caused a riot in Budapest's Szabadság tér and at the Magyar TV headquarters.
"Nem baj, hogy kikerült a hangfelvétel. Mert a magyar politika igazi kérdése ma már nem az, ki, mikor nem mondott igazat, hanem az, ki tudja ezt abbahagyni. Ki az, aki őszintén, néhol szenvedélyesen, néhol szabad szájúan szembe mer nézni az elmúlt 16 év hazugságaival és féligazságaival"

"It's not a problem that the tape was leaked. The real question in Hungarian politics is not who lied and when, but who can stop all this. Who can -with honesty and passion, sometimes gobsmacked - face up to the lies and half-truths of the past 16 years," Feri Gyurcsány wrote on his blog (unfortunately named 'amoeba' - for IQ level? facial expressions?) alongside a transcript the dreary speech which went on for about three hours and was as long-winded as the Pope's rant in Regensburg, aside from a few juicy bits to keep party officials awake.
"Nincsen sok választás. Azért nincsen, mert elkúrtuk. Nem kicsit, nagyon. Európában ilyen böszmeséget még ország nem csinált, mint amit mi csináltunk. Meg lehet magyarázni. Nyilvánvalóan végighazudtuk az utolsó másfél-két évet. Teljesen világos volt, hogy amit mondunk, az nem igaz"...he banged on.....(I'll translate if anyone's that bothered) showing what a potty-mouthed PM he is and also,
"Elkúrtuk. Nem kicsit, nagyon (We fucked up, not a little, bigtime)
following with
"Bassza meg, ugyan nem értek egyet, de elengedem" and
"Hogy nem kell lehajtani a fejét ebben a kurva országban. Hogy nem kell beszarni Orbán Viktortól, meg a jobboldaltól és tanulja most már meg magát nem ő hozzájuk mérni, hanem a világhoz." stb stb.
And so it went on with a stream of foul language, showing that Gyurcsány (or ocsmány as I prefer to call him - look it up) might have made millions in dodgy deals after the change of system but he remains a paraszt (peasant) in mentality. Can you imagine the saintly assassin Blair using such vulgar language?

I have three thoughts after seeing pictures of the riots.

1. It was not politically motivated, but carried out by Fradi (Ferencváros) football fans who were bored out of their minds with nothing to ruck about since their crap team was relegated, demoted and humiliated, unsurprisingly, for more dodgy dealings.

You can even hear them on the TV reports bellowing football chants 'Ria, ria, Hungaria'...

2. It's actually a Hungarian Tourist Board promotion to get people to go to Budapest for the 50th anniversary of 1956, because nothing else of interest has happened in Budapest in the last 50 years.
You can read all the over-excited expat blogs and reports from Budapest stating "It was the first such unrest to take place in Hungary since the fall of communism and the establishment of democracy in the late 1980s."

What rioting was there in 1990?
People were far too bored and bovine and full of lard and lager to even fart let alone rumble.

3. Gyurcsány needs to wash his mouth out.

In the early nineties, I worked for an utterly miserable 18 months as a correspondent from the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest, being the only one in the Budapest Week editorial office who spoke Hungarian.
It was horrible.
Sleazy and depressing.
The slimeball American editor hired me to get scoops and even offered me a budget to take politicians to dinner in a pathetic, quasi-Mata Hari effort to get an inside (ooer matron) story.....YUK.
I spent most of the time running around the kocsma-lined corridors of power, pursued by lager-soaked, chain-smoking MSZP and MDF politicians from shithole-backwaters like Nyíregyháza who had to spend a week in the big city and were 'lonely' without wifey for company.
Perhaps I'd like to go out to dinner with them and brighten up their sad, pathetic existence?

Perhaps I'd like to boil my head.
The sad thing is Gyurcsány is not even a vague resemblance of a Socialist.
His party does nothing for minorities and nothing for the elderly and sick.
He lives in a mansion and drives around in a poncy car.
Compare with cuddly red Ken Livingstone going to work on the tube.
The SZDSZ (Free Democrats) could be the best option for the future but regular Hungarians in the street hate the SZDSZ as they think the party is full of poofs and Jews. Too liberal and dangerously 'cosmopolitan' you see.
Opposition leader Viktor Orbán (Fidesz) is just as vile as Ocsmány, or possibly even more vile and more of a hypocrite as he claims to have God on his side.
Hungarian politics gives me a nauseous headache with extra bilious attack on the side.

"About 150 people were injured in Hungary's worst violence since the fall of communism."

Somebody remind me what Hungarians did during the 'fall of communism'.

Perhaps the BBC, Grauniad, Washington Post etc are getting mixed up with Bucharest.....

Remember to book your place at the Anniversary of the October 23 1956 Revolution - tickets direct from Magyar Turizmus.

Anyway, at least expat journos are happy.

They now have something to do after 15 years of mind-numbing boredom.
And, since it's all about honesty, I admit I'm only tottering down the gruesome, painful memory lane to my dark days in the Hungarian Parliament because I want a few more links to my sad little blog.
I shouldn't even be wasting my time on this drivel, I have a book deadline to meet.
Nobody outside the Carpathian Basin is interested in what goes on in Hungary and corresponding from Budapest is a fruitless, pointless task.

Now I have vented my spleen, I need to lie down in a darkened room now, to shift this hideous migraine.
A © FourBees digital picture of the Soviet war memorial (defaced by Fradi fans, bored with making offensive "Fuck Slovakia" banners to wave at their crap football team's meaningless matches) in Szabadság tér (Freedom - tee hee - Square).
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Blogger Unknown said...

I like Budapest very much!!!! The city is really very charming, architecture is beautiful and places of interest - magnificent!!! :) Though Hungary has Balaton -a great lake, it cannot replace the sea!!! I have a weakness for sea, that's why one of my most favourite resort places, having the sea, remains the Cyprus!!! I've stayed a lot of times in Cyprus hotels, but last summer I changed the place of my stay there completely!!! My husband and I made up our mind to take a Cyprus villa!!! How it was great: no noisy neighbours, crazy crowd, always hurrying somewhere and knocking you down!!! :) Silence, we alone and almost empty beach!!!! That's my way of spending holidays!!! :) Highly recommend such to you too!!! Best regards!!! :)

8:11 am  
Blogger steveNOTsolostandlonelyinlondon said...

Haha! Bloody hilarious, I love it. I used to live in Budapest for a few years (a few years ago) and was here last year when all this 'new revolution' shit kicked off. It was about as entertaining as a chocolate teapot is useful. I'm here again currently for a break (don't ask why) and today I was idly wondering quite pleasantly towards Szabadság tér in the 21 degree spring sunshine when I heard the deathly tones of yet another right wing demo. Imagine how pleased I was when I counted approximately 40 poor creatures there...


10:15 pm  

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